four-surprising-social-media-statistics-from-2013In 2013 it seemed like everyone was on social media. Kids that were as young as 13 and grandparents that were 85. Social media was used to spread viral videos, update everyone on breaking news, complain about life, keep in touch with distant friends and family members and some people enjoyed gloating to everyone on their friends list. If there was a way to use social media, it was being done in 2013. With this many people on social media, it became the go to platform for companies to raise brand awareness and advertise their services.

Here are a few statistics from Fast Company’s list

Surprising Social Media Statistics:

  • The fastest growing demographic on Twitter is the 55–64 year age bracket – impressive numbers against the prevailing idea that social media is “just for teenagers.”
  • YouTube reaches more U.S. adults aged 18-24 than any cable network – If you’ve been putting off adding video to your strategy, now’s the time to give it a go.
  • Every second, two new members join LinkedIn – Make sure you share consistently to your LinkedIn company page and profile by, for example, scheduling your posts.
  • 25% of smartphone owners ages 18-44 say they can’t recall the last time their smartphone wasn’t next to them – there are probably very few times when they’re not connected to the web in some way and using social media.

Regarding that last point, social media marketing, local SEO and email marketing will help you get the attention of those mobile device junkies! Social media will be one of the top ways to advertise your business, both free and paid, in 2014, because you can reach your target audience every single time. Combined with SEO and email marketing you will have a complete online marketing strategy for 2014.