pinterest-bing-team-up-for-improved-search-resultsWhen you think about ranking high in the search engine results or getting a good traffic source, you probably aren’t thinking about Bing or Pinterest. But, it’s time for that to change and it’s time for you to ramp up your Pinterest SEO efforts. This sounds a little silly, but Bing now includes your pins in their search results. This means if you do an image search on Bing, they will now display results from your Pinterest boards. This is huge for many marketers, not to mention Bing is one of the only search engines that is still providing keyword search data.

Bing and Pinterest can Bring You More Traffic

Why is the Pinterest feature so cool for the Bing search results and how can it be beneficial to your company? The idea is when someone does an image search on Bing; they will see results from Pinterest boards in the top-right corner. That’s right, all of the blood, sweat and tears you put into building your Pinterest profile can now pay off for you and there is nothing extra that you have to do.

The great thing about this is you can use the two tools together. Simply do a little keyword research. Find a keyword that a lot of people are using to find your site, and then create a board on Pinterest that is optimized for the search engine. Bing will then pull from your board when people search for your popular keyword. This will then send them to your site, making them a possible customer and giving you big profits. It really is that easy.

Now with a little bit of keyword data, some SEO, and a new Pinterest strategy you could possibly have more leads and new customers. Of course Pinterest provides no-follow links, so you will not be gaining any authority from this strategy. The strategy here is to provide quality content on Pinterest, which includes search friendly descriptions and names.