In parts 1, 2 and 3 of our look at 10 great blog post ideas for generating traffic, we’ve highlighted these possibilities:
- Issues & Insights
- Answers to FAQs
- Lists, Lists and More Lists!
- How-To’s
- Checklists
- Case Studies and Use Cases
- Infographics
- Guest Blog Posts
Now, we’ll wrap things up by looking at 2 more ways to help you attract high quality traffic, and keep your expanding community coming back for more.
9. Interviews
Similar to guest posts as highlighted in part 3, interviews can make excellent blog posts – provided that you keep a few things in mind.
First, ensure that your interviewee has something insightful or important to share with your customers. You may need to develop some ideas with them to find something that fits within their area of knowledge and experience, and is also relevant to your community.
Second, remember that the interview is going to be read – not heard. As such, keep the questions short (one or two sentences maximum), and let the interviewer take most of the spotlight with their interesting, insightful answer.
Third, if the interview is going to be lengthy, consider splitting it up into a series. Or, you may want to turn the interview into an asset (i.e. a .pdf document), and offer it to your customers in exchange for their name and email address. The blog post can be then used to summarize the interview, and list the compelling reasons why your customers should read it right away.
10. Company News
And finally in our list, company news can make great blog posts – but again, there are a few considerations to keep in mind.
It goes without saying (but we’ll say it anyway just to be on the safe side) that your blog should never, ever become a marketing “mouthpiece” for your business. The moment that customers feel that they’re engaging an ad vs. learning something interesting or useful, they will bounce away; and possibly never return!
Yet with this being said, it is perfectly OK, every now and then, to share some company news in your blog posts, provided that you are sharing legitimate, relevant information. For example, you may want to introduce a new staff member, announce a business milestone, highlight an upcoming product development, and so on.
These are all worthy topics, and they also create the impression that there is ongoing activity and growth in your business – which is a perception that customers appreciate (by the way, this is also one of the reasons why you should be blogging every day!).
Transform Your Business Blog
If you’re ready to transform your business blog from “a section on your website” to a dynamic, profitable asset that attracts high quality customers and establishes you as the thought leader in your marketplace, then contact us today. We’ll work with you to handle a piece, several pieces, or all of your strategy and management; and we’ll do it faster, better and more cost-effectively than you ever imagined.