Depending on your source of information, body language is anywhere from 58 to 93 percent of communication — which essentially means that it’s a much, much bigger piece of the communication puzzle than most people and, indeed, most businesses appreciate.
In the same light, customers on the web are exhibiting indirect cues and clues that reasonably suggest what they’re feeling, what they’re thinking, and most importantly: what they’re likely to do next. And that’s where digital body language enters the (virtual) picture.
In essence, digital body language are the actions — or in some cases, the inactions — that customers take when accessing a business’s digital properties, which in most cases are the corporate website and social media properties. These behaviors include everything from clicks of a demo video, to how long a visitor stays on specific pages of a website (which could indicate their intentions and attitude more accurately than with an overall time-on-site metric).
While digital body language isn’t a magic wand that reveals the depths of each customers’ soul, what makes it such a valuable and important element is that customers themselves aren’t conscious — frankly, they don’t care — about the signals they send. They aren’t deliberately trying to communicate in a non-verbal manner (i.e. they aren’t thinking “well, instead of telling this business what’s on my mind, I’ll just click several times from the same page and they’ll get the idea.”) Customers are simply being human by interpreting situations and reacting. There is no right or wrong, good or bad. It’s all data. Glorious, glorious data!
And that’s precisely why marketers, product developers, sales teams and everyone else who helps shape the buyer’s journey needs to capture digital body language, and leverage it as actionable business intelligence in order to:
- Better understand their target market and specific buyer personas: who they are, where they are, how they want to be engaged (web, social, chat, mobile, real-time, asymmetric, etc.), and what motivates them to take certain actions in different situations.
- Create content and other messaging that has the best chance of being perceived as valuable and relevant, and triggering conversions (note: this doesn’t necessarily or even usually mean sales — conversions are any action that advances customers forward along the buyer’s journey, such as launching a web chat, downloading an ebook, agreeing to speak with a sales rep, etc.).
- Develop and upgrade products and services that align with customer needs, and will therefore deliver ROI.
Learn More
At Leap Clixx, we enable our customers to capture their customers’ digital body language, and use that vital data to their — and their customers’ — benefit and advantage. To learn more, contact us today. Your consultation is free.
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