Inbound marketing isn’t so much an evolution of conventional (“interrupt”) marketing as it is a re-invention of it, and the reason is simple: conventional marketing results are notoriously difficult – and in some cases, impossible – to truly and accurately measure. Now, this doesn’t mean that conventional marketing is a useless money pit. It’s still alive and well, and there are scenarios where conventional marketing is the best (or sometimes, the only) way to reach target markets and build brand awareness.

However, when it comes to measuring results, evaluating performance and objectively indicating ROI, inbound marketing is an entirely new species. And it’s also the fundamental reason why millions of businesses (yes, millions) whose marketing footprint used to begin and end with Yellow Pages advertising, are now doing everything from blogging, to publishing ebooks, to running PPC campaigns, and the list goes on. They’re not doing (and paying) for any of this because it’s trendy or seems interesting. They’re doing it because they’re getting measurable, bottom-line results.

And so, just what are these inbound marketing results? A researcher from MIT Sloan’s MBA program analyzed more than 5,000 companies that had used HubSpot’s inbound marketing platform for at least two years, and identified three core benefits: more traffic, more leads, and more sales.

Inbound Marketing Results #1: More Traffic

Overall, 92.3 percent of companies credited their inbound marketing program for increasing website traffic. 85 percent of these companies saw substantial gains within seven months, and 40 percent saw traffic spike by at least 75 percent.

Inbound Marketing Results #2: More Leads

Overall, 92.7 percent of companies saw an increase in leads as a result of their inbound marketing program. And of these satisfied companies, 45.5 percent started seeing the lead numbers rise within two to four months.

Inbound Marketing Results #3: More Sales

Obviously, more sales is where the proverbial rubber hits the road for all marketing spend, and inbound marketing doesn’t disappoint. Within five to seven months, 49.2 percent of companies saw a boost in sales – and many companies started to see leads-to-sales conversions in as little as two to four months.

A Magic Wand? Not Quite…

While these statistics are impressive and inspiring, it’s vital to keep in mind that inbound marketing is not a magic wand. Much like getting healthy, it’s a commitment that takes the right strategic approach and plan, a consistent focus, and the willingness to stay invested for the long run. Indeed, many companies pull the plug on their inbound marketing program just before they were poised to get traction and generate excellent results. 

Learn More 

At Leap Clixx, we’re nationwide experts in helping our clients reap the measurable rewards of inbound marketing. We’re also one of the few agencies in the country that have earned HubSpot’s Certified Platinum Agency status. To learn more, contact us today and schedule your free consultation – and get ready for ore traffic, more leads and more sales!

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